Eliminate pain, restore motion, and enhance your ability to relax!
I’m Brian Cashman, a physical therapist assistant and licensed massage therapist with over 12 years of experience with Myofascial Release and 11 years with Kinetic Chain Release.
If you are…
•seeking relief from chronic pain or acute injuries
•preparing for or recovering from surgery
•or looking for a more holistic and effective form of bodywork that treats you like a whole person
Myofascial Release, Kinetic Chain Release, and Romiromi can help.
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a form of bodywork that uses gentle sustained pressure to address pain and tension within the connective tissue throughout your body, producing long-term pain relief and better health overall.
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) is a system of gentle mobilizations and stretches developed to quickly and easily bring the body back into balance.
Romiromi is deep tissue bodywork. Pressure is applied using the hands, elbows, knees, feet and raakau (wooden stick) to stimulate haemata (pressure points) on the body to facilitate the release of tension, unblock energy and promote circulation.
No system in the body ever works alone. Never gets injured alone. Never heals alone. There is no such thing as an isolated injury so there is no such thing as isolated healing.